Analyzing The Importance of Men’s Health with Tennessee Men’s Clinic
According to some research and Tennessee Men’s Clinic, men are more likely to smoke and drink alcohol and predominantly lead less healthy lifestyles. They are more likely to avoid routine checkups and also delay seeing a healthcare provider for symptoms of a medical complication. This is a major cause of concern. However, fortunately, many of the health conditions and diseases that men face can be prevented or treated if found early. In order to start taking better care of their health, it is important for men to understand their risk factors and how they can improve their general health. The most common conditions affecting men are heart disease, prostrate, testicular, and colon cancer, and osteoporosis later in life.
Heart Disease
Risk factors for heart disease include:
- High blood cholesterol levels
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Cigarette smoking
- Physical inactivity
- Increasing age
- Family history of early onset of heart disease
Dietary implications for reducing heart disease risk:
- Reduce the amounts of saturated fat (found in animal products such as meat and high-fat dairy products) and trans-fat( found in products such as margarine, baked goods, and some snack foods).
- Increase high-fiber foods (whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds).
- Limit alcohol intake; take no more than two drinks per day.
- Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids. They are associated with keeping blood vessels healthy and keeping blood pressure down, mentions Tennessee Men’s Clinic.
The risk factors for cancer include:
- Obesity
- High fat diet
- Low fiber diet
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Physical inactivity
Dietary implications for reducing the risks:
- Introduce lycopene in the diet. It is found in fruits and vegetables. Studies say that lycopene can help prevent prostrate cancer. The best source of lycopene are tomatoes, guava, rosehip, watermelon, and pink grapefruit.
- Selenium, which is found in nuts and fish claims to be a mineral and antioxidant associated with cancer prevention. This should thus also make a place in one’s diet.
- Some studies indicate that boron can decrease the risk of men developing prostrate cancer. Rich sources of boron include raisins and almonds.
- Although a high fiber diet is important for heart health, it is equally important for reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Many people think of osteoporosis as disease related with women. However, men are at risk too.
Risk factors for Osteoporosis include:
- Increasing age
- Family history
- Tobacco use
- Long-term use of corticosteroid
- Uncontrolled soda consumption
- Uncontrolled alcohol consumption
- Low calcium intake
- Physical inactivity
Dietary implications for reducing the risk:
- Men should get around 1000mg of calcium everyday in the form of milk, cheese, and ice cream. It is important to use the low fat and fat free dairy products for restoring heart health, emphasises Tennessee Men’s Clinic.
- Avoid heavy drinking as it is one of the most common instigators of osteoporosis. Alcohol reduces bone formation and interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium.
Men should hence, focus on comprehensive health practices to support mental well-being and cognitive fitness apart from balancing hormonal levels. For this they need to have:
- Regular Health Checkups- Regular screenings for conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and prostrate health enable early detection and intervention, improving general health outcomes.
- Balanced Lifestyle- Adopt a balanced diet combined with proper exercise routine, and mental health awareness.
- Exercise Safety Measures- Involving in safe practices at work and during recreational activities reduces the risk of injuries and continued health complications.
- Be mindful of Reproductive and Bone Health
One must remember, investing in men’s health contributes to healthier individuals, stronger families, and booming communities.
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